Sunday, October 11, 2015

Who are the Tlingit and the Haida?

Along the coast of Southeast Alaska, from the mouth of what is now known as the Portland Canal to the Chilkat, is the Aani of the sovereign Tlingit and Haida Nations.  The Tlingit and Haida are two separate, distinct people with many cultural similarities.  In modern times, they accept the governance of a joint tribal council.
Both people belong to a matriarchal system; a child receives their family identity through their mother’s clan.  Today, most clans are organized into the Raven and Eagle/Wolf moieties. Each clan is made out of clan houses.  After the 1836 Smallpox Epidemic, the Tlingit population was around 6,000.  Their numbers have rebounded, and now are around 30,000.
Because of the large range of their territory, the Tlingit operated as a confederacy of clans.  Individuals identify first as a member of their family, then clan, and then moiety.  Inside of a clan, families were ranked according to the wealth and morality of their members, as well as their stories and their ancestors.  The oldest male in a family was the head of the family, the head of the highest ranked family was the head of the clan.  He was responsible for settling disputes, deciding on the ownership of hunting and fishing territories, and directing ceremonies.  When the Central Council was established, they originally served primarily as a political activism group.  In recent decades, they have also taken on the responsibility for aiding members of the community who need their support, recognizing their artists and cultural education.
The land is mountainous, and the climate is humid and temperate. Historically the Haida and Tlingit people have worked as mariners, fishermen, hunters, gatherers and traders. In the last century, as trading and wage labor have become more profitable, more of the people have begun to concentrate in villages.
Like many from the Northwest Coast, the Tlingit are known for their Potlach.  The reasons for hosting them vary, respect for the dead was a primary reason.  The Tlingit Potlach is a four-day ceremony, which consists of feasting, storytelling, dancing and singing, and the distribution of wealth. When it was hosted by one group, those who attended were obliged to reciprocate.
So why all this information in a blog about stories?  Because stories cannot be taken away from their people without losing something.  For example, one major theme in Tlingit stories is both income inequality, and the obligation for the prosperous to share their blessings.  This mirrors the morality and wealth which historically determined social structure, as well as the meaning behind a Potlach.  

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